Sunday, May 27, 2012

Regulate: Control or Illusion Thereof.

Have you ever tried to regulate the beating of your own heart rate and breathing patterns?  There are some eastern philosophies that teach these practices, it's not beyond thought or physical conditioning.  The reason why I have used this example, in looking over many current events and the actual condition of these United States, seems to be MORE regulation.  Regulation to me implies "control."  From my experience, control is illusion.  Especially when attempting to control the nouns in life; it especially becomes more difficult to exercise control when it concerns money and power.  Our beloved and hallowed government is nothing more than a relapsed addict to money and power.  It's sheer denial base allows for ANY means to exploit money and power to it's own advantage, regardless the consequences to the rest of  the citizens.  Yes, I use the term 'citizen' in honor to our french comrades, without whose careful coup would not have made these USA(s) possible.  In just the past week, the Federal Trade Commission, and our US Senate are undertaking a complete hearing (investigation) into our Facebook IPO.  Why is this necessary?  To illicit control eg: REGULATION of billions upon billions, that may exist, or may not.  As I could care less about this IPO as much else, WHY would I condone MY TAX revenue to go to this grail quest.  As a member of state- mind you TAX paying citizen- why may I not express my rage and indignation by electing to OPT out my tax base to these government sponsored "pep" rallies?  Time has come.  My tax base, my SS contribution, and my Medicare/FICA contributions to this country represent the MOST dedicated expression of UNION (trad. from the AMERICAN- org. 13 colonies) that I can explain. And I can't ever recall the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT asking me permission to USE MY EXPRESSION OF WORK, to BAILOUT CHASE BANK. If the government is so brazen to hold me accountable to holding up my share, why may I not govern my investment(s) in there visions and work.  The bailout(s) and now this smacks of :

Why would I trust you to REGULATE my personal spending habits without knowing who you are, or at least understanding your gravatar?
More Importantly:   Washington's 'charity' work has got to end, we are a union and a democracy (last I checked) and therefore by a voting process I believe the AMERICAN TAX PAYING Republic of This UNITED STATES has EARNED the right to vote DAILY on how their TAX DOLLARS are to be budgeted on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, and 10 year budget that may be ratified by the individual STATES.
Now, IF my tax dollars are an expression, what does the NATIONAL government have to express to me by squandering MY money for their ends- no collective good (at least communism had that going for it)
The technology is available to make this scenario work.  But do we care enough about the 1st Amendment to really get this on the books?
What I propose, is a MASS intervention from the concerned CITIZENS of this great country, to take a moment and explain through the FREEDOM OF SPEECH, that MONEY REPRESENTS an EXPRESSION of VALUE, and currently, I/We/US aren't getting the value of calories expended.  Money is a TOOL, not static. power is too.  The rest is up to you. -Allegiance, Mariner
PS- Control is an Illusion.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Death of Industry at the Hands of State. . .

The landscape recoils from the sheer weight of your strip mall nail salon,
And while the nails may feed their need, no one rests, Godspeed,
One nation, Under God- with divisibility for all,
Green and Forward catching today,
I hope I come down with the ethical flu,
Cause back on main street, it's just me and you,
Now, those in the brownstones and expensive suits,
Must outcry the rage and shame that they face in their sectors, glory,
A moot residual for those in the welfare line, as they take our half and split it among the folly,
Growing faster than the globe may twirl,
Vapid shrill swirl,
Takers, fond of leeching,
Can't harvest the blood from those who already gave.
Save it for the Grave.